Welcome to the Wax Museum!!
8 months ago, Chrys Martin
Don't forget these events! Today: 4th-6th Little Olympic Track Meet 8:00 am Shannon Physicals 8:00 am 9th & 11th graders Send off for Emily Scott at 10:00 am Thursday: PK-2nd Zoo trip 3rd-5th Wax Museum Friday: Elementary Color Run 8:30 am Early Release at 12:30
8 months ago, Chrys Martin
Tomorrow, May 15, 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students will be participating in a small track meet at school. Other classes will be outside to watch. Please make sure your child has used sunscreen and bug spray PRIOR to coming to school. The mosquitoes are terrible.
8 months ago, Amber Palmer
Good luck, Ellie Storey! She heads to State for UIL Academics. We are proud of you and go get that hardware!! Go Falcons!
8 months ago, Chrys Martin
Good Luck to Emily Scott! She will be participating in the Regional Tennis Tournament. Go get the Gold! No School Tomorrow! Athletic Banquet is tonight, at 6:00p.m., in the 4-H building. Tomorrow is the deadline to order yearbook ads. It's a Great Day to be a Falcon!
8 months ago, Chrys Martin
Thursday, May 9 is the last day that transfers will be accepted for the 2024-2025 school year. The application will remain available, but classes will fill quickly and decisions will be made on a case by case basis.
8 months ago, Amber Palmer
Tye Dye Blankets are sold out! There are only 10 of the lightening and there are several of the Texas left. Get them soon. They're first come first serve!
8 months ago, Chrys Martin
Don't forget, today is the Lady Falcon Golf send-off at 12:20. Early release will be at 12:30. Buses will run at this time! Cheerleading tryout results will be posted after school is out. Little Olympics will be today at 3:30. State Track is tomorrow. State Golf is Mon & Tues. Wednesday are letterman fittings. Lots of great things happening in Veribest! Make sure to check the calendar to keep up-to-date!
8 months ago, Chrys Martin
We invite everyone to join us Thursday, May 2nd at 6:30 in the evening for the Veribest FFA Chapter Banquet. The banquet will be held at the Tom Green County 4-H Building. We hope to see you there. Travis Lange AST Veribest ISD
8 months ago, Amber Palmer
State Golf shirts available Now! Sale ends Tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m. No reorders! Let's go Lady Falcons! https://gogandy.com/veribest-stgolf24
9 months ago, Chrys Martin
HS Parent Meeting Today!
9 months ago, Chrys Martin
Just a reminder that we will have a parent meeting tonight at 6:00. Our CTE teachers will attend the meeting to share about their programs. A representative from Angelo State will set up a table for parents and students to gather information. Topics included in the meeting will be: Grad plans Dual credit Class rank and weighted courses CTE courses of study Endorsements We will have chili dogs and frito pie for all attendees. The meeting will be in the cafeteria.
9 months ago, Amber Palmer
With the athletic season winding down we are going to change weight room times so that our athletes can maximize their time in the weight room. Beginning Monday, the girls will lift in the mornings Monday and Wednesday. The boys will lift in the mornings Tuesday and Thursday. We want them to come to at least one weight room session in the morning but coming to both is the best option.
9 months ago, Chrys Martin
HS Parent Meeting
9 months ago, Chrys Martin
Auction Fun!
9 months ago, Chrys Martin
Early Release today! Buses will run at 12:30. Monday is the High School Parent meeting. (next year's 9th-12th grades) 6:00 in the cafeteria. Saturday will be the UIL Academic Regionals, Good Luck to All!!! Sale on state track shirts will end Monday at 10:00! No reorders! Have a great weekend Falcon Family!
9 months ago, Chrys Martin
District Tennis Results: Kinzie Gilly- 3rd Place District Champ, Emily Scott Great Job Ladies!!
9 months ago, Chrys Martin
Tennis Update: Junior High District will be played this Saturday, April 27th, in Mertzon. JV & Varsity will be Tomorrow, April 23rd and finals on Wednesday, April 24th. Good Luck to All!
9 months ago, Chrys Martin
Attached is the link for the 2024-2025 transfer application. Even if you have filled out the one previously found online, you must complete this one. Thank you! https://forms.gle/MwLuAexfMhGRUQ426
9 months ago, Amber Palmer
Tennis is upon us! Get your shirt while you can. Sale ends at noon on April 24th! https://gogandy.com/veribesths-tnsp24
9 months ago, Chrys Martin